What does Retexts exactly do?
How does it work
Why Retexts?
Retexts’ AI technology predicts customer preferences and behaviours by learning from over a hundred thousand successful promotions.
We analyze patterns in promotion titles, effective days, and optimal engagement times using extensive customer behaviour data and generates offers specifically tailored to different customer demographics, ensuring the highest impact of each promotion.
What You Get with Retexts:
✅ End to End managed for you: We manage the setup and do continuous monitoring and tuning. Once setup, it’s totally automated.
⏰ Scheduled Promotions: A key part of Retexts’ managed service is delivering ongoing incentives to your entire customer base on a scheduled basis to continually drive sales.
🤝 Follow up on Activity: Send a pre configured followup promotion whenever a customer redeems a promotion.
🖐️ Act on Customer Inactivity: Automatically re-engages inactive customers to incentivize their return.
🚨 Create Urgency with reminders: Remind customers that one of their targeted promotions is due to expire and what they are missing about.
🌍 Multiple timezones covered : We handle multiple locations and time zones for your stores.
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